Spinal Cord – Paralysis

Everyone knows that a spinal cord injury can permanently damage the spinal column …and create permanent disability and paralysis, or temporarily limit your activity while you get better. Spinal Shock One may experience “spinal shock” which may last for hours or weeks. Healing is possible. In severe instances, medical care and physical therapy may be […]

Rollover Accidents

Cars and safety belts are not designed for roll-over. Vehicles and sport utility vehicles can be top heavy and prone to rolling in an accident. Over 350 passengers have died in these “accidents.” Rollovers, even with supplemental restraint systems, usually result in serious injury to all occupants of a vehicle and account for almost 25% […]

Product Liability

Injured because of a product? Product Liability is an area of personal injury law that refers to injuries resulting from the use of products. These products can be something as simple as a small toy or something as complex as a multi-million dollar piece of industrial equipment. Motor vehicles, boats, printing equipment, toys, gadgets and […]

Pedestrian Accidents


65,000 pedestrians are injured or killed annually in the United States. While pedestrians can be at fault, these accidents are often due to driver’s failure to see a pedestrian. Again, injuries in these accidents are usually severe due primarily to the lack of protection afforded a pedestrian combined with the enormous weight differential that exists […]

Off-Road (ATV) Accidents


All-Terrain Vehicle accidents seem to be growing at exponential rates. Many of the victims are children aged 15 and under. We see these youngsters, who have no experience behind the wheel of a motor vehicle, traveling at high rates of speed usually through unfamiliar terrain. The combination of the two can be disastrous. Injuries are […]

Motorcycle Accidents


Annually, motorcycle accidents produce almost 90,000 injuries …with 4800 of the accidents resulting in death of the rider or passenger. Motorcycle accidents often result in severe injury or death. The majority of motorcycle accidents are caused by operators of motor vehicles who fail to see a motorcycle until “it is too late.” At speeds as […]

Elder Abuse


Elder abuse can range from improper care to sexual, financial, or physical abuse. The most disheartening aspect of these cases is that the victims of elder abuse have “paid their dues.” They have spent their lives working and raising children to finally retire and often find themselves in a helpless and dependent position where they […]

Dog Bites


Dog and animal bites impact almost one million people each year. When most people think of animal bites, they are inclined to think that it is no big deal. This could not be further from the truth. Animal bites can be extremely serious. Animal bites often involve puncture wounds which may become infected. These bites […]

Burn Injuries


According to a recent survey, last year alone, there were over 450,000 burn victims requiring emergency medical treatment. Burn injuries can be caused by gasoline fires resulting from high-speed car, truck, and motorcycle, accidents. Serious burns can also result from negligently installed electrical wiring, defective products, and exposure to toxic chemicals.  Burn injuries can cause […]

Brain Injuries


Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)  …may result in life-long mental and physical challenges and causes about 30 percent of all injury deaths. TBI can be severe or mild and requires a clinical diagnosis and medical supervision. A sport-related concussion and almost any other type of accident can cause a brain injury. Children from the time of […]

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